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Title:青原FIDA 一樣 SAME (cover) live 11歲女結他手 Young guitarist Mina Pang #TheCottonKids #千齡 #棉花樂隊 Cantopop

《不可多得的一首救命級開場曲- 青原FIDA一樣(cover) 》 Life-saver show opening song: SAME, by FIDA “以下落來,有請棉花樂隊為大家表演”!1分鐘…2分鐘…3分鐘……過去了! 但表演還沒有開始。 都站在舞台上,漫長的冷場,比你驚唔驚? 鼓有聲;低音結他,有聲;咪,有聲;唯獨主音結他無了效果聲,只有清聲。耳Mon(監聽)也不能用,要聽現場 (無相干喇,之前一晚在band房綵排試過,隨時都兩手準備好); 當晚是用DI,即現場無安排Mina要的Marshall結他擴音器,當音響師父都出盡力想辦法的時候, 發現的是控制檯距離有點遠,不夠線材。這時Mina在她的多啦A夢八寶袋裡,不是很情願的拿出我的一對無線結他信號收發器(因為知道不應這樣用),師父說, “發達了! 可以一試!!! 或可彌補線材不夠長的問題”。Mina話,理論上是可以,理論上。 現場很多器材,會有很多干擾加奇怪事會發生。結果,當然還是無聲。Mina說,音響師父走過來,對她說, “對不起,我幫不到你…”。 其實,也明白的。大家已很盡力… 這,不就是結他手偶然都發過的惡夢嗎? 只是,這不是電影禁片『假如我是真的』,因為真係是真的!你,一定以為千齡一定嚇到標x吧 (標汗)。 哈哈! 當每個人都替她們擔心之際,Mina一路無驚過,繼續試,冇放棄過。 3分56秒後, 終於有聲。 之後就是你們看到的片段。何解最終有聲?我當然知啦,啲嘢我買加嘛。就好似我的老爺車一樣,人地撻唔著,開冷氣會死火,又水滾,我一樣開得好好, 又有冷氣,又開到門,唔駛從另一邊門爬出來。車門都唔洗鎖,偷咗都楂唔郁。 何解青原這首《一樣》是救命神曲?不是所有歌曲人家第一次就會鍾意,這是其中一首。現場觀眾聽完,她們還未出絕招,氣氛已馬上炒起來,大家都很開心很喜歡!咁你話這歌不是救命歌是甚麼?青原這首一樣, Mina 試過即慶同原唱阿原哥在酒廊用木結他jam, 一樣勁! 支歌叫咩呀,《一樣》嘛! 小朋友咁鎮定,算她好嘢。之後表演時丁點也冇被嚇窒。我其實一點也不驚訝。打從第一天有機會上檯表演,表演當然要落力,準備要好,要享受。但更重要的,是處變不驚。我教的不只是玩結他,而是上檯演出遇險要識鎮定及識自己解決,跟出海一樣。符碌、蝦碌野以前發生過無數次,這次真是夠膽話,都見過下大場面嘅(蝦碌野) Life-saver show opening song: SAME, by FIDA "Ladies and gentlemen, here comes The Cotton Kids!!!!" 1 minute had passed, then 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and the show didn't start. Drums: checked; bass: checked; mics: checked. But no pedal effects coming out from the PA. It was all clean sound from Mina's guitar. They used DI that night, meaning, no big old Marshall amps were available. When the sound engineers were trying their best to fix the problem, Mina was told the side mixer panel was a bit far, and the cords were not long enough. At this moment, Mina reluctantly took out my pair of wireless guitar connecting device, knowing that she was not supposed to help solve the problem with even more wireless stuff. The sound engineer saw them and his eyes glowed! He thought it might just be able to solve the problem. Well, theoretically, yes. But theoretically only. On stage, there were so many devices, only more weird things would happen. So did it solve the problem? No. No guitar effects still. Mina said the sound engineer came over again and told her this, "Sorry. I can't help you." Well, it's understandable. Everyone tried their best I guess. Wait, isn't this the kind of bloody nightmare all guitars have once in a while? Except, it wasn't a dream, and it wasn't the once banned movie called "If I were for real". It WAS for real. So, you probably thought Mina had shxt her pants, right? hahaha! Everyone was worried about them on stage. To be honest, Mina wasn't afraid the whole time. She just stayed calm and tried to check everything and kept trying to fix it. She wasn't getting ready to give up. After 3 minutes and 56 seconds, the sound she wanted came through the big old PA system everywhere. And you saw/heard the rest in the footage. Now, how come it was fixed at the end? Of course I know why and what she did. It was me who chose and bought all these gadgets. Now, how come FIDA's song "Same" was such a life-saving song for the show? First thing first, not all songs people fall in love with the first time they hear it, and this is one; second, the Cotton Kids trio didn't have to deploy their killer's trick to warm everyone up, know that the wait for too long, but once the song was played, everyone got hot hot hot already, and they were standing and jumping and dancing and waving! So if you don't call this a life-saving/ show-saving song, what do you call it then?! Not to mention (am psychologically taking a drag), Mina once jammed this song with the original singer Ferdie at a lounge with his acoustic guitar (he was singing and Mina was strumming), it was just as cool! You forgot the name of the song? "Same same!!!" Mina pulled it off and did it well as a kid and didn't shxt her pants. My hat goes off for her. The ordeal didn't affect her performance at all that night not even a single bit despite most others would have made the stage smell pretty by then. Jennifer's had 10 years experience performing on stage and like what'd say, "what else have I not seen?!"...Twinkle acted really cool too, as she knew her band members would know how to pull it off. Well, I was not surprised Mina wasn't scared. Since before day one we had a chance to gig on stage, of course we have to play well each time, prepare well, and enjoy it, yet most important of all, we don't panic should things happen. I don't only teach her how to play the guitar. I teach her how to NOT panic on stage plus learn how to solve all potential problems on stage by herself, with or without me around. It's the same as sailing. We've had different scenarios in the past and Mina, despite being a small kid, she has actually seen a lot. If you see her one day and tell her it was such an ordeal that night before the show started, she would tell you this, "Well, what else can be new...", while filing her fingernails. #青原 #青原fida #千齡 #棉花樂隊 #thecottonkids #minapang #兒童吉他手 #女吉他手 #youngguitarist #femaledrummer #原創歌曲 #立日工房 #lapiatstudio


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