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Title:レモンのレアチーズケーキの作り方 オーブンなし、バターなしで作れるお菓子

▷Ingredients: ■Lemon jelly 20g lemon juice 30g sugar 190ml + 30ml water 5g gelatin ■Rare cheesecake 200g cream cheese 50g non sugar yogurt 50g sugar 30ml water 5g gelatin 200ml heavy cream 10g sugar lemon zest 5ml lemon juice ■Lemon curd 1 egg 50g sugar 25ml milk 50ml lemon juice 40g white chocolate 2g gelatin 10ml water ▷How to make: 1. Wash the lemon with salt and grate the peel. Squeeze out the juice. 2. Make lemon jelly. Add lemon juice, sugar, and water to a saucepan and heat to 60℃. Dissolve the gelatin in water and place in a 14cm x 14cm container and chill in the freezer for 1 hour until firm. 4. Make a rare cheese cake. Add unsweetened yogurt and sugar to cream cheese and mix until smooth. 5. Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add to (4). 6. Add the sugar to the cream and beat loosely, then add to ⑤ and mix. Add grated lemon peel and lemon juice. 7. Put the rare cheese mixture into a squeeze bag and place in a silicon lemon mold. Cut the hardened lemon jelly into the mold and place in the center, then cover with the rare cheese mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate in the freezer overnight. 8. Put the leftover rare cheese cake in mousse film and refrigerate overnight. 9. Make the lemon curd. Mix whole eggs with sugar and milk. Strain the mixture into a saucepan, add the lemon juice and grated lemon peel, and heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 80℃. 10. Add the chopped white chocolate and stir until melted. Add the gelatin that has been previously blended with water and stir until dissolved. 11. Remove the frozen rare cheese cake from the silicon mold using a bamboo skewer, and dip the cake into the lemon curd. Remove excess lemon curd and place on top of store-bought cookies. 12. 12. Pour the excess lemon curd over the mousse film over the rare cheese cake and decorate with crushed lemon jelly.


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