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Title:Circumcision complete guide.Khatna kub kerwana ha ,indication, complications,care

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, which is the skin covering the tip of the penis. Indication for circumcision: Congenitally abnormal foreskin, Recurrent local foreskin discomfort, Blanitis, phimosis, Prevention of UTI , Para-phimosis, Prevention of other conditions {(H.I.V) Balanitis xerotica obliterans -single absolute indication for it. It is lichen sclerosis of foreskin}. Pros of circumcision  Decreases risk of urinary tract infections in infancy  Likely decreases risk trusted source of penile cancer,  Decreases risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including the female-to-male transmission of HIV  Decreases risk of cervical cancer and some infections in female partners  Prevents balanitis, balanoposthitis, paraphimosis, and phimosis  Makes it easier to maintain good genital hygiene Complications  Reactionary hemorrhage due to slipping of ligature from frenular artery & dorsal vein.  Infection.  Stricture urethra near external meatus in children.  Chordee due to removal of excess skin on ventral aspect.  Rarely priapism can occur. Plastibell circumcision  After cleaning & draping, LA (1% lignocaine (plain) is injected circumferentially near root of penis) is given (ring block). Glans & fore skin are separated to expose coronal groove. Any smegma present is removed.  Chose a correct size bell  Plastibell is placed over glans & secured around it with thread.  Handle of Plastibell is removed.  Plastibell will eventually fall away as the skin to which it is attached dies  Older boy at the time of circumcision, longer the Plastibell takes to fall off.


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