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Title:¡Superalimentos para la próstata!

URGENT, HAVING AN ENLARGED PROSTATE CAN BE A DANGER! But we have EXCELLENT NEWS, the best tips and foods to improve and reduce the size of an enlarged prostate are here. Prostate hyperplasia or large prostate causes symptoms of urinating a lot and very often, urinating a lot at night (nocturia), and in more severe cases it can cause urinary retention, acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure, hydronephrosis. Some patients may have urinary incontinence, pain and burning when urinating. These same symptoms can also indicate prostate cancer. The normal weight of the prostate is 20 to 25 grams, but from the age of 50-60 it begins to grow and can compress the urethra and the bladder, causing all these symptoms. The best food to improve the health of the prostate, reduce its size, improve inflammation and even prevent prostate cancer is without a doubt the tomato (it has to be cooked) because it is very rich in lycopenes it is considered a superfood for the prostate, with amazing effects. Other natural ways to improve prostate symptoms are: cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli (a supervegetable for the prostate), guava, pitanga, papaya. Green tea and coffee are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories that improve the prostate and help prevent cancer. But be careful, because they can have a diuretic effect. Omega 3 from fish like salmon also has many benefits. The avocado or avocado also brings great beneficial effects. There are medicinal herbs for the prostate, but they are not recommended by urology experts. Is meat good or bad for the prostate? Studies have shown that red meat increases the risk of cancer, while meat with good fats like cold-water fish lowers the risk. The best advice to prevent prostate cancer is to avoid foods and habits that increase inflammation and insulin resistance, such as processed foods and junk food, in addition to following a healthy lifestyle. How can I urinate less times during the day and at night? There are ways to reduce the symptoms of frequent urination, as well as some exercises that you can do if you have urinary retention, I explain it in detail in the video. Some concepts: Nocturia is urinating a lot or very frequently at night Dysuria is pain or burning when urinating Prostate hyperplasia is an increase in the size of the prostate. Video for educational purposes, with information on medicine and health. Video content: 00:00 Large prostate symptoms and prostate cancer 01:11 Serious and dangerous symptoms: urine retention, incontinence and kidney failure 01:46 Best foods and exercises for prostate 02:22 The “TOP 1” food for the prostate: the tomato 04:27 Best antioxidant vegetables!: Broccoli reduces prostate size 05:08 Green tea and coffee are great for prostate and cancer! 06:44 Omega 3: an amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant! 07:14 Red meat is a DANGER for the prostate 07:57 Seeds and fruits with zinc for enlarged prostate 08:14 Surprising benefits of avocado (palta) 08:56 Medicinal herbs for the prostate: are they useful or are they dangerous? 09:22 Dangerous foods that can cause prostate cancer 10:28 How to avoid urinating a lot and too often 11:59 Exercises to not urinate a lot at night 12:27 Constipation increases urine retention 12:45 VERY DANGEROUS remedies for the prostate Where did I get the information? Libro: Burton-Freeman B, Reimers K. Tomato Consumption and Health: Emerging Benefits. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 1-10, 2010 #prostatagrande #hiperplasiadeprostata #medicina #salud #drveller


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