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Title:Сборник ЛУЧШИХ Мелодий от которых мурашки по телу! До слез красивая мелодия! Музыка лечит сердце

Collection of the BEST Melodies that will give you goosebumps! Beautiful melody to tears! Music heals the heart There is something magical about winter that makes us breathe in its cold air with a smile and wait for every snowfall, like a gift from nature itself. 💿 Track information: ▶ Music belongs to composer Sergey Grischuk (Music by Sergey Grischuk) ▶ Youtube channel @Sergey Grischuk, Music for the Soul: Subscribe to “Comfort Zone”: Youtube: 🔔 '' Comfort Zone " is created to promote and support new artists, (musicians / labels, composers, producers, photographers / filmmakers) who want to create a fan base. Send your song or video on '' Comfort Zone " 🔔 We strive to find the best and most enjoyable music for you guys! We hope to make your days more beautiful with the music we share! Peace love and music. ⚠ Video copyright belongs to Comfort Zone, all rights reserved Do not re-upload the video to other channels in any other way! 📜“listening to this magical melody against the background of beautiful winter landscapes, the enchanting beauty of the northern lights, a dreamy starry sky, a quiet snowy winter night and a beautiful snowfall on New Year's Eve. The music video will help you relax and achieve one of the most beautiful states - a state of Peace and Bliss, a calm state, free from all worries, worries and worries." Thank you so much for listening and responding. Your incredibly warm support has inspired me and made me put even more effort into my videos. If you enjoy my videos, I'd love for you to subscribe and join our community. It's even better if you visit the composer's channel or website for viewing and support. Have a nice day or evening!" © Copyright: Music creation - Composer Sergei Grischuk. 📧 Contact us: ► All materials about music products can be sent to gmail. ☀️Relevant hashtags: #Comfort zone #sergeygrischuk


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