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Title:Don't Go to North Rim Grand Canyon

Today, let's ride the flip side of the Grand Canyon, exploring why you might wanna avoid the North Rim. Now, when it comes to the North Rim, it's a serenade of serenity, less polished than its Southern kin, with fewer folks wranglin' in the mix. Firstly, if you ain't fond of a lengthy trail ride, the North Rim's a trek - a robust 250-mile journey from Vegas, 350 from Phoenix, or a good few hours from regional airports like St. George or Flagstaff. Accessibility's a head-scratcher. Secondly, expect chillier temps, up to 10 degrees cooler, and drastic fluctuations, especially come sunset. It's a game of layers to keep the chill at bay. Third, the hike to the river ain't no stroll - 14 miles and 6,000 feet elevation shift. It's for the physically ready. Number four, that thin air at 8,000 feet can leave ya breathless. Take time to acclimate. Five, it ain't a quick pit stop; a 45-minute drive just to reach the rim means dedicated time. Six, plan those meals. Without reservations, you might find yourself on an involuntary fast. Seven, capturing that epic photo can be tricky with the harsh midday sun. Eighth, convenience - ain't no nearby airports, just a good ol' road trip. Nine, no helicopter hoedowns here; the nearest runways require additional travel. And ten, limited lodging options, so plan ahead. Lastly, winter's a whole different ballgame - the park's a snowy wonderland with limited access. Before you decide, swing by for travel deals galore, whether north or south. We've got lodges, tours, and all the fixins for an unforgettable adventure. See ya on down the trail, my friend! ===== 2:42 #1 Long Road Trips 4:14 #2 Chilly Temperatures 4:52 #3 No Easy Hikes to the Colorado River 5:32 #4 That Oh, So Thin Air 6:13 #5 This Ain't No Quick Stop 6:51 #6 Don't Go in Without a Meal Plan 7:28 #7 Photography is Tricky 8:04 #8 There Ain't no Near By Airports 8:35 #9 No Helicopter Hoe-Downs 9:05 #10 Limited Lodging Options 9:46 Bonus #11 Don't Go In Winter (Because it's closed) ===== ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🤔Planning on visiting Grand Canyon?🤠 📨Email: 💻website: ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ ====== 📝 Grand Canyon National Park basic information & News: ====== 🚰 Get Travel Itineraries here: ====== 🆓 Packing Checklists: ====== 🤠 My Website: ====== ▶Subscribe 👉 ====== All stats, data, pricing, and anything else mentioned is always subject to change and is provided merely as an example at the time of this recording ====== Here's what's called an FTC Legal Disclaimer - Some videos may have what they call "affiliate links." If you use 'em and make a purchase, I might earn a buffalo nickle or two. But it won't cost ya extra. It's a way to support me and my channel. Much obliged, friend! 🤠🐴 #GrandCanyon #Arizona #GrandCanyonCowboy #grandcanyonnationalpark #visitinggrandcanyon #LasVegas #Phoenix #Sedona #Flagstaff #Williamsarizona #tusayanarizona #lakepowell #pagearizona #kanabutah #zion #zionnationalpark This channel's all 'bout the Grand Canyon, offerin' y'all tips once you're in the Canyon with must-see stops, watering holes, and places to rest along the way. Me and my trusty steed, Jackpot, were explorin' the Canyon back in the 1800s, fell into a time-warp, and somehow ended up in the 21st century! To top it off, Jackpot's spirit somehow got trapped in a contraption they call a "Jeep." Weird, but true... Cutting to the chase - to make a buck, I started guiding folks through GC. One day it was suggested, "You should start a YouTube Channel!" So, here we are! We got videos that essentially act as trail maps from Las Vegas, Phoenix, Flagstaff, and more!🏜️ 😍 All you gotta do is watch and check out if you wanna rope yourself some deals on tours, beds, adventures, and the best grub around these parts. 🤠 So, subscribe▶ ring the bell🛎and keep in the know... See ya on down the trail! The Canyon Cowboy 💻website: 🤠🌵🐴


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