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Title:✅ Andrew - One of the most important lecture by Neville Goddard #nevillegoddard #motivation #shorts

Andrew - A lecture by Neville Goddard is probably on of the most important lecture in additions to SATS, FITS and AHIF. You can buy all of Neville's audio, ebooks and lectures here. Neville Goddard, often referred to simply as Neville, was a prominent metaphysical teacher and author who profoundly influenced the field of New Thought and self-help with his teachings on the power of imagination and the law of assumption. Born on February 19, 1905, in Barbados, Neville moved to the United States in 1922, where he eventually became known for his lectures and writings on spiritual self-transformation. Early Life and Background Neville was born into a large family in Barbados, the fourth of ten children. After moving to the United States at the age of 17, he initially pursued a career in theater and dance, working in New York City. His life took a significant turn when he met a mysterious Ethiopian rabbi named Abdullah, who introduced him to esoteric interpretations of the Bible and the teachings of New Thought. Core Teachings Neville Goddard’s teachings revolve around the creative power of the human imagination. His philosophy is often summarized by several key principles: Imagination as God: Neville taught that the human imagination is the divine power of God within each person. He believed that by consciously controlling one’s imagination, one could create their desired reality. Law of Assumption: A central tenet of his philosophy is the “law of assumption,” which states that whatever you assume to be true becomes your reality. By assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you align yourself with your desires, which then manifest in your life. Mental States: He emphasized the importance of mental states, arguing that one’s external circumstances are a direct reflection of their inner state. Changing one’s mental state is the first step toward transforming one’s life. Power of Belief: Neville believed that belief is crucial for the manifestation of desires. By believing in the reality of the desired outcome, regardless of the current circumstances, one sets in motion the events necessary for its realization. Biblical Interpretation: Neville’s teachings often included mystical interpretations of the Bible, viewing the stories as allegorical and psychological dramas that illustrate the powers of the human mind. Major Works Neville authored several books that continue to be popular among those interested in self-help, spirituality, and New Thought. Some of his notable works include: “Your Faith Is Your Fortune” (1941): Explores the relationship between faith and personal reality. “The Power of Awareness” (1952): Discusses the power of consciousness and the importance of self-awareness in creating one’s reality. “Feeling is the Secret” (1944): Emphasizes the significance of feelings and emotions in the manifestation process. “Awakened Imagination” (1954): Offers insights into the practical application of imagination in daily life. Influence and Legacy Neville Goddard’s teachings have had a lasting impact on the self-help and New Thought movements. His work has influenced countless individuals seeking to transform their lives through the power of imagination and assumption. Even after his death on October 1, 1972, Neville’s books, lectures, and recordings continue to inspire and guide people worldwide. Conclusion Neville Goddard remains a seminal figure in the realm of metaphysical and spiritual thought. His teachings challenge individuals to harness their inner creative power and assume responsibility for their realities. Through his profound insights into the nature of consciousness and reality, Neville has left a lasting legacy that continues to empower and uplift those who explore his work. Books At Your Command (1939; Goddard Publications) Your Faith Is Your Fortune (1941; Goddard Publications) Freedom for All—A Practical Application of the Bible (1942; Goddard Publications) Feeling Is the Secret (1944; Goddard Publications) Prayer—The Art of Believing (1946; Goddard Publications) Out of This World (1949; Goddard Publications) The Power of Awareness (1952; unknown) The Creative Use of Imagination (1952; Goddard Publications) Awakened Imagination (1954; DeVorss & Company) Seedtime and Harvest (1956; DeVorss & Company) I Know My Father (1960; DeVorss & Company) The Law and the Promise (1961; DeVorss & Company) He Breaks the Shell (1964; DeVorss & Company) Resurrection (1966; DeVorss & Company) #nevillegoddard #manifestation #shorts #lawofassumption #imagination #manifestation #abundance #realitycreation


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