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Tidak terasa Komunitas Fox Hunting Indonesia (KFHI), telah memasuki tahun ke 5, bersama- sama semua penggemar Fox Hunting berkumpul dan bersatu dalam persaudaraan ini. Untuk itu KFHI Pusat bersama  KHFI GALUH CIAMIS, akan mengadakan SILATURAHMI HUT KFHI KE 5. Acara diadakan pada : Hari            :  Sabtu & Minggu Tanggal     :  19 - 20 November 2022 Tempat      :  KOPI DJATI , Wisata Jati Sewu Cibungbang, Jalatrang, Kec. Cipaku, Kabupaten Ciamis Acara : - Mini FH, Motor FH, Slalom FH - Lomba-lomba rakyat - Kemping bersama - Sarasehan dan tumpengan - TUKER KADO - Doorprice dari donatur Special Thanks ; KOPI DJATI Ketua KFHI pusat dan Seluruh Anggota KFHI Ketua KFHI GALUH dan rekan rekan Ketua ORARI LOKAL KABUPATEN CIAMIS (YH1AH) Beserta Jajarannya Ketua RAPI WILAYAH 16 KABUPATEN CIAMIS ( JZ10ZZW16) Beserta jajaranya PRAMUKA KABUPATEN CIAMIS Om Inu (YD1ESZ) Nuhun.... Foto dan Videonya Om Tony (YD1KDE) Nuhun Videonya OM YD0SJU thanks Videonya ya OM Anung (YC1BMW) nuhun foto fotonya Mpah Dadan (YD1DMJ) thank u pisaaan Arrangement Music nya...Jadi lolos No copy right he he he Sukes selalu KFHI .....Bravo Jangan lupa like & subscribe yaa Facebook : Instagram : @andry_rachmansjah @KFHI_Indonesia HP / WA 081 320 395 212 Best Regard YG1AQN It doesn't feel like the Indonesian Fox Hunting Community (KFHI), has entered its 5th year, together all Fox Hunting fans gather and unite in this brotherhood. For this reason, the Central KFHI together with KHFI GALUH CIAMIS, will hold a Gathering for the 5th Anniversary of KFHI. Events are held at: Days : Saturday & Sunday Date : 19 - 20 November 2022 Place : DJATI COFFEE, Cibungbang Jati Sewu Tourism, Jalatrang, Kec. Cipaku, Ciamis Regency Program : - Mini FH, Motorcycle FH, Slalom FH - People's competitions - Camping together - Workshop and tumpengan - Minimum gift exchange - Doorprice from donors Special Thanks; DJATI COFFEE Head of central KFHI and all members of KFHI Chairman of KFHI GALUH and colleagues Chairman of the LOCAL ORARI CIAMIS DISTRICT (YH1AH) and his staff Chairman of RAPI REGION 16 DISTRICT CIAMIS (JZ10ZZW16) and his staff Scout of CIAMIS DISTRICT Om Inu (YD1ESZ) Nuhun.... Photos and videos Uncle Tony (YD1KDE) Nuhun Video OM YD0SJU thanks for the video OM Anung (YC1BMW) noun the photos Mpah Dadan (YD1DMJ) thank u for the Music Arrangement...So it passes No copy right he he he Always success KFHI .....Bravo Don't forget to like & subscribe Facebook : Instagram : @andry_rachmansjah @KFHI_Indonesia HP / WA 081 320 395 212 Best Regards YG1AQN It doesn't feel like the Indonesian Fox Hunting Community (KFHI), has entered its 5th year, together all Fox Hunting fans gather and unite in this brotherhood. For this reason, the Central KFHI together with KHFI GALUH CIAMIS, will hold a Gathering for the 5th Anniversary of KFHI. Events are held at: Days : Saturday & Sunday Date : 19 - 20 November 2022 Place : DJATI COFFEE, Cibungbang Jati Sewu Tourism, Jalatrang, Kec. Cipaku, Ciamis Regency Program : - Mini FH, Motorcycle FH, Slalom FH - People's competitions - Camping together - Workshop - Minimum gift exchange - Doorprice from donors Special Thanks; DJATI COFFEE Head of central KFHI and all members of KFHI Chairman of KFHI GALUH and colleagues Chairman of the LOCAL ORARI CIAMIS DISTRICT (YH1AH) and his staff Chairman of RAPI REGION 16 DISTRICT CIAMIS (JZ10ZZW16) and his staff Scout of CIAMIS DISTRICT Om Inu (YD1ESZ) Nuhun.... Photos and videos Uncle Tony (YD1KDE) Nuhun Video OM YD0SJU thanks for the video OM Anung (YC1BMW) noun the photos Mpah Dadan (YD1DMJ) thank u for the Music Arrangement...So it passes No copy right he he he Always success KFHI .....Bravo Don't forget to like & subscribe Facebook : Instagram : @andry_rachmansjah @KFHI_Indonesia HP / WA 081 320 395 212 Best Regards YG1AQN


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