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Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Face East and perform the Kabbalistic Cross. • Touch thy forehead and intone ATAH (thou art) • Touch thy heart and intone MALKUTH (the Kingdom) • Touch thy right shoulder and intone VE-GEBURAH (and the Power) • Touch thy left shoulder and intone VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory) • Clasp thy hands before thee and intone LE-OLAM AMEN (for ever, so be it) 1. Face East, draw a PENTAGRAM in the Air with your fingers as shown 2. Step forward with your left foot, with both hands up in the sky, and lower them to eye level, and project to the center of the Pentagram, vibrate --YOD HE VAU HE Pentagram) 3. Stab the middle of the Pentagram with your fingers, draw a line from the East and walk to the South. 4. Make the Pentagram as described above and vibrate the name--ADONAI. 5. Repeat 3 and walk to the West. Make the Pentagram and vibrate EHEIEH. 6. Repeat 3 and go to the North, make the Pentagram and vibrate AGLA. (Atah Gibor Le Olam Adonai) 7. Return to the East and you have now complete your circle. Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross and say: BEFORE ME or (to the East) RAPHAEL BEHIND ME or (to the West) GABRIEL AT MY RIGHT HAND (to the South) MICHAEL AT MY LEFT HAND (to the North) AURIEL FOR AROUND ME FLAMES THE PENTAGRAM FROM WITHIN MY HEART SHINES THE SIX-RAYED STAR Finish with the Kabbalistic Cross.


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