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Title:부담없는 사이즈라 딱 좋아요! 퐁신퐁신 미니 수플레 치즈 케이크 만들기 (종이컵 계량, 에어프라이어)

Hello! This is Gom's Easy Baking :) Today's baking recipe is Mini Soufflé Cheesecake! It's made to fit perfectly in a lunchbox container, making it a great size for a guilt-free treat and perfect for gifting! Not only is it delicious, but the texture is amazing! The ingredients and steps are simple, but the baking process can be tricky, so please refer to the detailed instructions below. | Measurements | Paper cup = standard paper cup (180ml capacity) Spoon = standard disposable spoon size Oven - Preheat at 220°C for 15 minutes, then bake at 220°C for 10 minutes + 120°C for 50 minutes (Bake at 220°C for 10 minutes until the top turns brown. Then lower the temperature to prevent the surface from cracking and to bake smoothly. If the top starts to crack or looks like it will burst during baking, open the oven door for 1 minute to quickly lower the temperature.) Air Fryer - Preheat for 5 minutes, then bake at 180°C for 5 minutes + 100°C for 45 minutes (10x7cm mini round pan measurements) Cream cheese 100g Milk 1/3 cup (50g) A pinch of salt Unsalted butter 4 pieces (20g) Cake flour 2 tablespoons (20g) 2 egg yolks (35g) 2 egg whites (70g) Sugar 1/3 cup (40g) (15x7cm tall round pan measurements) Cream cheese 150g Milk 1/2 cup (75g) A pinch of salt (1g) Unsalted butter 30g Cake flour 3 tablespoons (30g) 3 egg yolks (52g) 3 egg whites (105g) Sugar 2/3 cup (60g) (Bake at 220°C for 10 minutes + 120°C for 60 minutes) * Milk can be substituted with water * Sugar cannot be substituted * Cake flour can be substituted with all-purpose flour * Storage Method * Refrigerate and consume within 10 days * Packaging Container * Pulp square lunchbox container 14x15x8cm Daiso picnic lunchbox container 14x13x6cm FAQs: 1. Why did the top of my cake crack? The most common cause is an issue with the oven temperature. The cake must be baked at a high temperature initially to create a firm and thick crust, preventing the inner batter from rising and cracking the top. If baked at a lower temperature initially, it will crack. Bake at a high temperature first, and when the top turns brown, immediately lower the temperature to prevent cracking. 2. Why is my cake very dry? Baking for too long can cause excessive moisture loss, resulting in a dry texture. 3. Why are the sides wrinkled or the cake sunken? If you don't remove the parchment paper immediately, the moisture inside cannot escape, causing wrinkles. Insufficient baking time can also leave the cake too moist, causing it to sink after cooling.


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