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Title:กินหอยนางรมยักษ์คำเดียวไม่หมด ⚠️ | กับยายนาง

Link to english comments: #yainangdenmark 00:00:03 Hi! Hi! Welcome to our oyster meal with Yainang. 00:00:09 I got some giant oysters from one of my friends today. 00:00:13 I've around 5 or 6 oysters. 00:00:16 You're all welcome to join our meal. One of them... 00:00:19 I cooked one of them for my husband. 00:00:22 It's an oyster dish with lots of cheese. 00:00:25 Ok. Let's get started! 00:00:27 Would you like to taste? 00:00:29 Yes, of course. I’d love to. 00:00:31 Do you like it? 00:00:35 He had it before. "You had it before when you were in Thailand" 00:00:39 Well... 00:00:41 Hmmm. 00:00:44 Yep… For me, it’s all about raw oysters. 00:00:54 It's very good. "Zap Lhai" (It's very delicious). 00:00:57 It's very good. "Zap Lhai" (It's very delicious). 00:01:00 Doesn’t this one look amazing? 00:01:03 Please, have a look at this one. 00:01:06 This one is so big. 00:01:08 It's bigger than my face. 00:01:11 These two are also big. 00:01:16 Mmmm… 00:01:35 It's not easy to scoop out. 00:01:37 Yes. 00:01:41 I will take these out. 00:02:01 Please, keep eating. I’ll be back in a second. I just need... 00:02:06 What do you need? 00:02:20 It's so good. I like it. 00:02:40 How is it? Yeah, it tastes so good. I like it. 00:02:48 The raw one could be too much for me, but this one is good. 00:02:52 Yeah... It's perfect. 00:03:02 I like to have it with cheese. 00:03:09 Mmmm... 00:03:32 The water spilt. 00:03:34 I'm using this to dry the table up. 00:03:40 Hmm? 00:03:41 Ja? That was good. 00:03:46 It's my turn now. 00:03:50 Do you want some? 00:03:52 No. I don't think I will like that. My husband doesn't like this one. 00:03:56 He prefers this one. 00:04:00 He doesn't like raw oysters. 00:04:04 But the wife likes it. 00:04:06 I'm putting some fried red onions on top. 00:04:09 And follow with some chili sauce. 00:04:11 Then, 00:04:14 This one... 00:04:16 It’s a seafood sauce with a bit of sweet and sour. 00:04:19 I’ll put more fried onions on it. 00:04:22 Oh. It's very good. 00:04:27 Oh! It's too big. I have to take the oyster out of its shell. I haven't done that yet. 00:04:37 Look away, please. Please close your eyes. 00:04:41 Please say that you love me. 00:04:45 Please turn your head that way. 00:04:52 I might not be able to eat it because of my husband. 00:04:54 He is sitting here to cheer me up. 00:05:11 Do you need a towel? 00:05:26 This is the first time I haven’t been able to eat a whole oyster in a single bite. 00:05:29 It's too big. 00:05:32 Oh! 00:05:44 Is that good? 00:05:46 Hmm… It's very good. 00:05:55 The good part is here. 00:06:06 You may go back to work now. 00:06:09 Oh! Thank you. 00:06:12 My husband is going to work now. 00:06:15 He is here to watch me. 00:06:19 He was laughing at me. 00:06:23 He thought it was funny. 00:06:29 Let's keep on eating. 00:06:32 Let me squeeze some wasabi in here. 00:06:35 I’d like to put more wasabi in it. 00:06:37 He was just sitting here and laughing at me. 00:06:40 He is about to go to work. 00:06:47 It was good that he joined my meal. 00:06:52 He hadn’t had an oyster for a long time. Last time he ate one was… 00:06:55 When we visited Thailand together. 00:06:58 Let's go for the second one... 00:07:01 Giant oyster. 00:07:05 Let me get some lime. 00:07:10 Oh! 00:07:11 It's time for the sweet and sour sauce now. 00:07:15 This sauce is awesome! 00:07:18 Now for the Sriracha. 00:07:21 And… here it is. 00:07:23 I can't miss this one... 00:07:26 What should I call this one? It's some sweet chili paste. 00:07:31 Then, sprinkle fried onions on top. 00:07:34 Now... 00:07:36 *laughs* 00:07:39 First, let’s dig the oyster out of the shell. 00:07:42 This is about my personal record. I can't finish the whole thing in one bite. 00:07:50 *chuckles* 00:07:55 Join me, everyone! 00:08:14 I can smell the wasabi. 00:08:55 Let's carry on! 00:08:58 This is fun. 00:09:06 It's awesome! 00:09:08 I'm starting to mess up the order of the sauces and toppings. 00:09:16 It's time for the Sriracha sauce. 00:09:23 Here it is. Let's put it on top. 00:09:29 Here are the fried onions. 00:09:31 It's satisfying, isn't it? 00:09:36 Dig! Dig it out! 00:09:43 I... 00:09:46 I want to laugh so hard. 00:09:49 I'm laughing at these oysters. Why can't I fit the whole oyster in my mouth? 00:09:52 It’s so silly I just want to laugh. 00:09:55 Why are Danish oysters so big? 00:10:00 It's only the oysters, not other things. 00:10:09 I do not dare. 00:10:12 Ok. Two bites! 00:10:28 I have to bite a piece off. 00:10:52 I need to put some fried onions in here. 00:10:54 It's good to go now. 00:11:56 I survived. 00:11:59 Oh! I will come back to eat.... 00:12:02 the bigger oysters later. Having these three oysters gave me a lot of energy. 00:12:08 I’m already full after eating these three oysters. 00:12:12 They are as big as my mouth. ...


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