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Title:【烘焙教學分享】零失敗法式經典可麗露 |風爐 vs. 一般烤爐差異解析 |無需蜂蠟無需銅模也能做出外酥內軟的天使之鈴 |How to Make Canelé (ASMR)

#可麗露 #Canelé #天使之鈴 #法式甜點 #波爾多 #recipe #asmr 【烘焙教學分享】零失敗法式經典可麗露 |風爐 vs. 一般烤爐差異解析 |無需蜂蠟無需銅模也能做出外酥內軟的天使之鈴 |How to Make Canelé (ASMR) 今天想來分享我製作零失敗可麗露的烘焙心得,從食材的選擇推薦與風爐 vs. 一般烤爐差異解析,到不用貴鬆鬆的銅模也能烘焙出外酥內軟的完美可麗露烘焙模具分享,希望你也能跟我一起做出最好吃的天使之鈴可麗露 材料/ Ingredients ❥每份材料可製作12各可麗露 ❥模具:高5cm頂寬6.6cm 1.牛奶 515g 2.香草莢1各或香草精2g 3.無鹽奶油26g 4.糖粉245g 5.甜點師蛋糕粉130g 6.蛋黃30g 7.全蛋1各 8.萊姆酒50g Mold: height 5cm, top width 6.6cm Can make 12 pieces 1.Milk 515g 2. 1 vanilla pod or 2g vanilla extract 3. 26g unsalted butter 4. 245g powdered sugar 5. Pastry chef Cake flour 130g 6. Egg yolk 30g 7. 1 whole egg each 8. Lime wine 50g HI~這裡是Little Queen小廚房,我喜歡收集食譜,也喜歡把我平時喜歡吃的或發現的新鮮美食、烘培、料理、甜點作法與食譜拍成在家也能簡單做的教學影片,分享給大家,我學做甜點也喜歡做料理,喜歡探尋新的美食,如果你也喜歡做美食吃美食,歡迎按讚、訂閱追蹤加分享如果在製作我的食譜時有碰到任何問題都可以在留言詢問我唷~❤ FB粉絲頁: IG粉絲頁: HI~This is the Little Queen Kitchen. I like to collect recipes. I also like to take the fresh food, baking, cooking, dessert recipes and recipes that I usually like to eat or find into teaching videos that can be easily made at home and share them with Everyone, I learn to make desserts and I like to cook, and I like to explore new foods. If you also like to cook and eat food, please like, subscribe, follow, and share. If you have any problems when making my recipes, you can leave a message Ask me~❤ --------------------------------------------- 謝謝您的收看 Thank you for watching~ ---------------------------------------------- ❥我的視頻僅上傳到YouTube和Face Book。 禁止未經授權盜竊該視頻或進行第二次編輯和重新上傳。 My video is only uploaded to YouTube and Facebook. Unauthorized theft of this video or 2nd edit and reupload is prohibited. ❥我是台灣人 我只運行Little Queen Cooking頻道,而沒有運行第二頻道 I am Taiwanese I only run Little Queen Cooking, not Channel 2. 這部影片中的配樂 瞭解詳情 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oneul -


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