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Title:濃厚生キャラメル・チーズタルトの作り方 Caramel Cheesecake Tart|HidaMari Cooking

Recipe for cheese tart made with homemade nama caramel cream. The cheesecake becomes sticky, rich and melt-in-your-mouth when caramel is added. The tart dough will be crispy the next day, and after that, it will blend with the cheesecake and become moist. ■Tart 80 g unsalted butter 45 g powdered sugar Pinch of salt vanilla bean 35 g whole egg 155 g flour 20 g almond pudding ▷How to make 1. Mix unsalted butter with powdered sugar, salt and vanilla bean. 2. Beat 35 g of whole eggs and add to ①. Reserve the remaining beaten eggs in the refrigerator for later use. 3. Sift in the flour and almond pudding and mix until combined. Roll out half of the tart dough to 15 cm in diameter and 3 mm thick. Roll out the other half to 3 mm thick, about 30 cm x 14 cm. Refrigerate for 1 hour. 5. Place the tart dough in a circle 15 cm in diameter by 5 cm in height and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour. 6. Line the inside of the tart with a cookie sheet, place a tart stone on top, and bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ for 15 to 20 minutes. 7. Brush the inside of the tart with a thin layer of beaten egg and bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ for 3 to 8 minutes. ■caramel cream 80 g granulated sugar 10 g water 10 g unsalted butter 70 ml (50 ml + 20 ml for finishing) heavy cream ▷How to make: 1. Place water and granulated sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. 2. While shaking the pan, melt the sugar and heat until caramelized. 3. Remove from heat, add the unsalted butter and 50 ml of heavy cream, stirring with a spatula. 4. Transfer the raw caramel to a heatproof container and add 20 ml of cream. ■Caramel Cheesecake 200 g cream cheese 100 g mascarpone cheese 60 g sugar 10 g cake flour 60g caramel cream  1 whole egg 1 egg yolk 130 ml heavy cream ▷How to make 1. Beat cream cheese, mascarpone cheese and sugar until well blended. 2. Add sifted flour and mix until smooth and powdery. Add the fresh caramel cream and mix until smooth. 3. Add the whole eggs, egg yolks, and cream, in that order. Strain the cheese mixture, pour into the tart crust, and bake in a preheated oven at 150℃ for 45-50 minutes. 5. Remove the cell crust from the oven and refrigerate overnight. ○Recipe memo○ Granulated sugar is recommended for caramel because it is hard to fail. The reason for adding the cream in two parts is that if you add it all at once, it can become coarse and rough. If you want to make it smooth, add it in two parts. Thank you for always leaving comments. I read each and every one of them with great care. I appreciate it. Your comments encourage me to create videos, so I hope you will continue to feel free to leave me a comment. ▷instagram: ▷About HidaMari Cooking: I started making sweets in 2017. The name "HidaMari Cooking" was given in the hope that people who watched the video would feel as if they were surrounded by warm sunlight. Thank you for all your heartwarming comments. I wish you a wonderful day.


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