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Title:ซดหอยนางรมยักษ์ ⚠️ Gigant oyster ⚠️

I got oysters from a Danish fisherman who I used to buy giant freshwater prawns and giant crabs. I asked him to find giant oysters for me because they live in the middle of the gulf. I will tell you how to make spicy seafood sauce. I also have Megachef which is the best fish sauce of all time Facebook fanpage of fish sauce 👉🏻 #megachef #Yainang Link to english comments: #yainangdenmark Link to english comments: #yainangdenmark 0:00:03 Welcome to Gin Pai Thai Rang! 0:00:05 Hello everyone! 0:00:06 Hola! Namaste! 0:00:08 Hello everybody! Xin chào! 0:00:11 I have oysters today. 0:00:14 I got them from a fisherman. 0:00:17 I... tried to find them myself, 0:00:21 but this time I only found small ones. 0:00:25 They were nice to eat, 0:00:28 but I just have to show my fans the giant oysters. 0:00:33 It's hard to harvest when the tide's too high. 0:00:38 I don't understand. 0:00:39 It's my first time after a while, and the water is always too high. 0:00:46 The tide used to be low in the past, 0:00:50 and it was easy to see the oysters. 0:00:52 But it's really hard nowadays-- 0:00:55 I think it's because of global warming. 0:00:59 Either the water is always too high now, 0:01:02 or I went there on the wrong day. 0:01:05 I'm using an app to check the tide table, 0:01:08 so I always go there when water is low. 0:01:11 Sometimes in the morning or evening, 0:01:13 afternoon or night... 0:01:15 It's still the same, 0:01:16 so I can't harvest 0:01:19 and show you. 0:01:21 The weather in Denmark has been really-- 0:01:23 Since Tuesday... 0:01:26 I went there everyday. 0:01:28 After dropping my boyfriend to work, 0:01:30 I went back home to cook, 0:01:34 and then head out to find oysters. 0:01:37 I wanted to take pictures 0:01:40 since it's easy to harvest oysters, 0:01:43 but it's been so hard lately. 0:01:48 Some asked me that "Yai! Did you stop eating oysters?" 0:01:51 I think it's too sad. 0:01:53 I can't even show you how to harvest them... 0:01:55 or where to find them... 0:01:57 where they gather... 0:01:59 That's the kind of stuff that I want to show you, 0:02:01 but there's an old video where I showed you this. 0:02:06 You can watch that video. 0:02:09 I'll make a new one if I go there and the water is low enough. 0:02:13 I'll make a new video for you. 0:02:17 I really don't understand. 0:02:19 Maybe nature is changing, 0:02:22 but it's not because I don't go there anymore. 0:02:24 If you follow GinPaiThaiRang's Facebook page, 0:02:26 you've probably seen me going out to find oysters, 0:02:30 but I can't see them. 0:02:34 If the tide's too high for oysters, 0:02:36 I catch crabs or clams. 0:02:38 Last week I showed you crabs. 0:02:41 It was on a Buddhist holiday. 0:02:43 I had finished catching them and wanted to go back... 0:02:46 That's when I realized. 0:02:47 Actually, I opened my Facebook 0:02:49 and saw it was Asalha Bucha Day, 0:02:52 so I set them free right away. 0:02:55 Go! 0:02:59 I let them free because 0:03:01 I had forgotten. 0:03:02 I didn't check the calendar. 0:03:03 The calendar here has no Buddhist days. 0:03:07 So set them free. 0:03:09 I was planning to make somtam with santol. 0:03:11 I'm going to go there next week, 0:03:13 because we're expecting good weather. 0:03:15 I'm going to meet Pa Muay on the 26th. 0:03:18 Alright-- Let's begin! 0:03:20 I'm going to make spicy seafood sauce. 0:03:22 Here are my ingredients. 0:03:25 Let's make the sauce first. 0:03:28 Start with chilies. 0:03:32 These are fresh chilies. 0:03:36 Mixing bird's eye chilies with coriander. 0:03:40 We normally use the roots, 0:03:43 but I don't have them, 0:03:46 so I'm using leaves and stalk. 0:03:50 Garlic cloves. 0:03:57 And mix. 0:04:02 I really like using this. 0:04:07 Now let's add seasoning. 0:04:10 Today I have my beloved nam pla: Megachef. 0:04:16 My reasons for choosing Megachef are... 0:04:18 because 0:04:22 it has no additives nor MSG. 0:04:27 It's gluten-free, with no artificial colors. 0:04:30 So that's why I choose this fish sauce. 0:04:34 It's expensive, but good for you. 0:04:38 I use it to salt-cure eggs and pickle crab. 0:04:41 It's great. 0:04:44 I guarantee it. 0:04:49 It's 35 kroner a bottle. 0:04:53 Megachef also has oyster and light soy sauce. 0:04:58 So there you have it. 0:05:00 It's the best. 0:05:01 Amazing! 0:05:02 Your food will taste better than before. 0:05:07 It's flavorful. 0:05:08 Lemon. 0:05:21 We have no idea 0:05:23 how fermented fish sauce or fish sauce is made 0:05:26 nowadays. 0:05:27 But if the makers say that 0:05:29 they're not using something, like-- 0:05:31 no artificial coloring, preservatives... 0:05:34 That's the best! 0:05:36 MSG. 0:05:37 There's no MSG in Megachef. 0:05:40 I have to a...


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